The following companies provide (or are in the process of providing) commercial
High-Availability software or capabilities for Linux:
provides RSF-1 (Resilient Software Facility - 1). RSF-1 is available on every major
Linux distribution, and provides agents for many popular software packages,
and supports clusters of up to 64 nodes.
High-Availability product for Linux.
LifeKeeper provides
application recovery kits for Oracle, Informix, Apache and Sendmail.
North Fork Network's SANi.q.
product combines with inexpensive hardware (IDE/SCSI disks, Ethernet
networks) to create scalable, fault-tolerant, and easy-to-manage
Storage Area Networks. An evaluation copy is available from their
web site.
Clustra Database:
Clustra's core product, the Clustra Database, is a zero-downtime,
relational SQL database.
a web, file, and email server clustering utility providing constant
server availability. A
30-day evaluation copy
can be gotten from their web site.
TurboLinux High Availability
Cluster. This is a commercial product which is similar in intent to
the Linux Virtual Server project. In fact, it has used Wensong's kernel
pieces in the past.
Twincom's Network Disk Mirror
a commercial product similar in function to the NBD+RAID1 open source
solution, but already neatly packaged up for you.
It seems like it would work well as a Linux-HA resource, or in combination
with some other commercial package.
Fujitsu Siemens Computers has
the availability of their
(Reliant Monitor Software)
High-Availability software for Linux.
RMS seems similar to a combination of the freely available heartbeat and
is an Apache-Module that creates High Availability
for this webserver throug a Master/Slave-Mechanism. As soon as
the Slave notices that the Master is not available anymore,
it takes over the IP-Address and the webservice automatically.
It is commercial Software, but a free 30-day evaluation license
is available directly from the website.
Mod_redundancy looks a lot like a subset of the freely
available heartbeat package.
Legato now provides their
Legato Cluster
high-availability clustering products for Linux.
Integratus now provides their
Universal High AvailabilityTM Extension for Linux.
[press release].
Reflective Memory is a high-speed, real-time, deterministic network.
With Reflective memory, each node on the network has a local copy of
shared data. The act of writing the reflective memory causes the
local data on all the nodes to be updated.
COMPAQ has an
extended commercial
for their proposed clustering systems for Linux, along with a
little information on a few non-COMPAQ clustering sytems.