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Below you will find links to personal Ascii Art exhibitions. This list is far from complete. It shows the pages I like or which I visit frequently. For more links to ASCII Artists you can try the Open Directory Project or Allen Mullen's Link Page

Some description for each page will be added later.

Joris Bellenger (b'ger) ...
Rowan Crawford (Row)
llizard (ejm)
Ojosh!ro (Ojo)
Joshua Bell (Star Treck)
Joan Stark (jgs)
Veronica Karlsson (VK)
Hayley Jane Wakenshaw
aka Flump (hjw)
Genoveva Galarza (gnv)
Henry Segerman (hs)
BluePard (BP)
CJRandall (cjr)
Morfina (mrf)
Philip Kaulfuss
Joaquim Almgren Gandara (jg)
Allen Mullen
John Stachowicz (jjs)
Felix Lee (fl)
koshy george (kg)
Marc Schmitz (Meph)
Armando Frazão (Seal)
Valery Silivanov (s-v)
Ultramarine Rain (l42)
Ilmari Karonen (itz)
Laura Brown (ldb)
The Dutch Dude (dD)
Mike Naylor (mn)
Kristian Kirsfeldt (dlk)
Lennert Stock (LS)
Win Kang (W<)
Jackie Fenton jf:-)
Marijn Kampf (MK)
Martin Atkins (mga)
Andy Hood

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